Online Literary Critics To Help Hone Your Writing Career
In the previous point, we have already discussed the importance of getting in touch with people like bloggers and celebrities, in lieu of the upcoming publication of your book.While that is a great idea, it can be an even better one to get the attention of a literary critic.This could be someone who writes for an important digital newspaper, or perhaps even a famous author who has several bestsellers to his or her credit.These people are looked on as literary gurus, and it would be well worth your while to ask them if they could read your work and perhaps offer some kind words in terms of an honest book review or perhaps even a few nice words on social media.
There are some ways you can get them to do this, although be warned that it is not all that easy because apart from getting their attention, your work has to be captivating enough to them for them to want to say a few good words in your favor.
How To Get The Notice Of Literary Critics Out There?
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Therefore, you might consider going to literary events where you will find them in attendance with a whole host of other authors.

In fact, this is one of the better ways you can promote your work online.

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We believe that writing about writing, is one of the really great ways in which one can get more people into reading. We wish for our readers to discover more fine French writing in the future, of course, but we also hope they will read more in general.